Mount And Blade Warband Merchant Ledger

Mount and Blade Warband Guide. Merchant’s Quest. Posted by Thomas on November 12, 2011. After completing the merchant’s quest you can either start to trade. Also Read: Games like mount & blade warband. So these are the mods for mount and blade warband to try out we waiting for the upcoming sequel, Mount & Blade: Bannerlord. If you have a favorite fantasy and/or historical setting, chances are there is an M&B mod for it and we tried to list the best ones among them here.

  1. Mount And Blade Warband Merchant Ledger Guide
  2. Mount And Blade Warband Merchant's Ledger

After completing the merchant’s quest you can either start to trade, pillage villagers or start to help the lords. I recommend starting to help the lords with their various tasks. most of these are simple but they have high rewards. One tactic that I use is when I receive a quest to get the taxes from a town or village investing this money into trading and hopefully make a large profit to pay back the money you used without losing any of your own. I have several times not had a great trading experience and was forced to raise money from robbing farmers and looting villages just so I can pay the lord the money that was owned. If you have a good trading trip pay the Lord back and keep the 1/5th share he offers and the profit from the trading.

I apologize for my weak English

Mount and blade warband merchant


Mount And Blade Warband Merchant Ledger Guide


Mount And Blade Warband Merchant's Ledger

- Diplomacy by Waihti, zParsifal
- Formations by Motomataru
- Dynamic troop trees by Dunde
- Much scripts from Custom Commander by Rubik
- Merchant's Trade Ledger, vassals and party name by Caba
- Factions relations presentation and skill foraging by Jrider
- SimpleLoot by Xenoargh
- Duel mod by MartinF
- Bridge battle by Arch3r
- Bank by Duh and Lazeras
- Companions Overview by Jedediah Q and Lazeras
- Deployable, destructible pavise by Cartread
- New scenes by Dxaero and Lucky Lancer
- Set of Artefacts by Cdvader
- Extended prisoner chat by Mordachai (+fix renown and removed slot_dead because Diplomacy contains similar script)
- +4 strong companions by Malik
- Filpping coins with tavernkeepers by Albertus Magnus
- +1 Kingdom
- 11 new buildings to construct and reports at time of building
- It spending on bridges was it been possible was to catch fish and in forests to hunt
- Larger troop trees (kingdoms and mercenaries)
- New battle sounds
- More cities, castles and villages
- Larger income from fiefs
- Slaver chief increase size prisoner limit (every slaver chief at 4)
- Charisma increase party size, prisoner limit and effect has on morale of party
- Possibility of hiring royal noblemen in cities (idea by bOuYAkhlO)
- Every hired royal nobleman with own fraction increases limit of party at 3
- Available new group mercenaries in taverns (manhunters)
- Kingdoms lords improve own party and garrisons, buy army and sell prisoners
- It was it been possible to recruit the deserters and to sell the prisoners on map of world
- Exchanged equipment of troops
- Increased map of world
- New icon for kingdoms parties
- New items
- New food kinds
- New banners for lords, player and the companions (I used textures by, Tomy44, TWIP banners by JethroKirby and Ikaguia pack)
- New units for all factions :
* light cavalry for rhodoks and nords
* infantry for khergits to watching garrisons
* new light cavalry for swadians, vaegirs and sarranids
* lightly mercenary tree redone
* lightly women tree redone
* chief bandits add
- And much other smaller changes as early as from dialogs after cheats
Credits items:
- Men at arms pack, plate armor by Narf of Picklestink
- Bunch of armours by Fredelios
- Horses by Wanderer
- Nord hersir and samurai set armour by SacredStoneHead
- Helmets and weapons by Iggorbb
- Helmets and surcoat by Rathos
- OSP pack by Sonyer
- Retex and other item by me